New research from TK Maxx surveyed over 2,000 individuals across the UK (aged 16 and above) to examine how the nation feels about giving and receiving gifts on landmark occasions.
As a nation that loves gifting – whether it’s for birthdays, anniversaries, or anything in between – this survey explores if gifts make certain moments more memorable, how attitudes vary across different generations, and if the cost-of-living crisis has made people be more selective with their purchasing.
The cost of giving
With the cost of living increasing, 57% of people said financial pressures have forced them to think more carefully about their gift buying decisions – and only 6% said they’d given the financial landscape no consideration at all.
As these money constraints rise, many individuals have turned to online shopping, with 41% of people saying they prefer shopping online to find better deals and discounts.
Across UK cities, there are intriguing regional disparities when it comes to individuals who have adjusted their gift-buying habits in response to the ongoing cost-of-living challenges.
In Belfast, a huge 67% of respondents said they’d think twice about gifting due to the cost-of-living crisis, the highest of any UK city. Comparatively, only 36% of respondents in Plymouth felt the same way.
Gifting for occasions
While gifting is popular for a variety of occasions, this survey highlighted that not all special events are given equal thought. In fact, when asked to select the most important events for gift giving, respondents selected birthdays (67%), Christmas (61%), and weddings (32%).
Although birthdays remain special, not everyone prioritises celebrating. The research found that 74% of females view birthdays as the most important occasion for giving or receiving gifts, whereas only 59% of males share this sentiment.
In the same vein, not all gift givers (or recipients) feel excited at the mention of wedding bells. Among 25–34-year-olds, just 27% considered ‘weddings’ the most significant occasion, in contrast to 38% of those aged over 55.
Gifting and special moments
TK Maxx’s survey paints a picture of a nation that highly values gifting. Almost half (46%) of respondents said they associate a special event in their life with a specific item they received. This rose to 50% among females compared to 40% of males.
Throughout the UK gifting is valued, with respondents in Northern Ireland (62%), Greater London (56%) and Scotland (50%) having the largest association between special events and specific presents.
Among younger age groups, 25-34 years olds had the highest association with gifts and special events, at 65%. This was closely followed by 16–24-year-olds, as 59% had an association with an event and a specific gift they received.
The ideal gift
When it comes to gifting, it can be difficult to decide on the type of gift that would bring the most joy to your friends and family. To find out what people prefer giving, TK Maxx asked respondents to choose what they had a preference for.
A quarter of females (25%) said they tend to give personalised gifts, while 21% of males said the same. To add to this, 27% of males said they were most likely to give gift cards or cash, compared to just 18% of females.
According to the survey, there are also generational differences when it comes to gifting. 42% of respondents indicated that they perceive older generations as placing greater importance on traditional or tangible gifts, whereas 30% agreed that younger generations tend to prioritise experiences over physical presents.
A nation that values gifting
A wonderful gift transcends product or packaging; it encompasses the cherished, heartwarming emotions that make the memory of a special occasion. The most prevalent emotions experienced when receiving a gift were happiness, appreciation, and love.
Almost a quarter of those we polled are also self-proclaimed gift-givers, showering their family members and friends with presents frequently. To add to this, a significant 53% of respondents are occasional gift-givers, proving that spreading joy and love isn’t just reserved for special occasions—it’s a frequent (or at least occasional) affair.