Online shopping has transformed the way we purchase products, thanks to the ease of access and convenience it provides. Nowadays, you will rarely find a store without an online counterpart that offers the same goods. However, with this convenience come the risks of dealing with personal information online.
When shopping you will submit and list personal information such as names, addresses, and payment details with retailers, payment processors, and sometimes even third-party advertisers. If you’re not careful, your valuable data could fall into the wrong hands, which can cause significant issues for you.
Because of this, it is very important that you keep your data safe and private. Especially in the modern space, where cyberattacks and data breaches are more common than ever. Luckily, through digital data removal and reinforcing your online security, you can shop smartly and safely. Here we will take a look at the best tips that will help you maintain your data privacy while enjoying all the benefits of online shopping. Furthermore, we will touch on how you can utilize online tools to your advantage.
Use strong passwords
The easiest yet most effective way to secure your online shopping accounts is to utilize strong passwords. Unique and non-repeating passwords significantly increase the security of your online accounts. By doing this you will avoid the most common mistake people make online, which is utilizing weak passwords and reusing them across multiple services. A strong password should be complex, with a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters.
By taking into account that online users nowadays have dozens of accounts, managing these complex passwords can be difficult. This is why we recommend that you utilize password managers to store and manage your passwords easily. With this tool, you can trivialize your online account security and ensure you only use strong and unique passwords.
Limit your digital footprint
When we talk about protecting data privacy, one of the most mentioned tactics is using data removal services. Even if you are extremely cautious with your online practices, personal data often ends up in various databases.
This data can later be used without your consent, which is exactly what you are trying to avoid. Data removal carries many benefits which include reducing spam and your digital footprint which in return gives you peace of mind knowing your information is safer.
Enable two-factor authentication
Passwords are the first line of defence when it comes down to any online account. However, it can never hurt to add another layer of protection through two-factor authentication. 2FA is a service that requires users to verify their identity with two separate forms of authentication to access an account. This is an incredible tool that can block malicious users from accessing your accounts even if they have cracked your password.
Two-factor authentication isn’t necessary, however, it should be used on all accounts that involve shopping. This is because these accounts usually tie directly to your funds and are of high priority to be secure. So, make sure to enable 2FA on platforms such as Amazon to significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access.
Check website security
One of the most common ways people give up access to their accounts in the modern era is through websites with compromised cybersecurity. This is why it is incredibly important to always verify that the website you are browsing is secure and legitimate. Most legitimate e-commerce websites will utilize HTTPS rather than HTTP. This can be easily spotted simply by looking at the padlock icon in the URL bar of your select browser.
Furthermore, whenever you are about to enter any personal information on a website check for its legitimacy. Sometimes malicious actors will try to trick you into handing your personal information to them through fake websites. These will look almost identical to the real deal, but there will be hints. Because of this, always check the website and its link before inputting any personal information.
Be cautious with public Wi-Fi
Public Wi-Fi networks are more likely than not insecure, this includes cafe, airport, and shopping center connections to name a few. So no matter how convenient they are, it is best to avoid them when shopping or dealing with personal information. We recommend that you try to only utilize them as a last resort to keep your data safe.
Review privacy settings
It is incredibly important that you always review and adjust your privacy settings when browsing the internet. This also applies to shopping as through this, you can minimize the amount of personal data these websites collect and share. By adjusting your privacy settings you can limit or outright block the selling and sharing of your data to companies you may not trust.
To sum up
Data privacy is one of the most common and largest concerns for online shoppers. As a result is incredibly important that you take the proper steps to protect your personal information on e-commerce webpages. Here we have covered some of the easiest ways to improve your data privacy and secure your online accounts. However, make sure that you are regularly reviewing your privacy settings and using data removal services such as Incodgni to keep your data private. With the tips we have laid out here today, you can shop smartly and confidently knowing that your data is protected.