KPMG is launching its Global Customer Experience Excellence Report 2023-24 today. Focused on Artificial Intelligence and the orchestrated customer experience, the report spans 81,725 customer interviews, over 800,000 brand evaluations including almost 3000 brands across 21 countries.
In a year where AI continues to occupy the headlines, and tech has been heralded as the answer to all our woes, the bad news is customer satisfaction saw a global decline in customer perceptions of their experiences with 90% of the countries and territories included in this year’s study recording a decline in customer satisfaction.
The good news is that of the brands featured in the hall of fame e.g., the brands ranked as the best in their country for providing excellent customer experiences, the companies not only vary in age ranging from older companies such as Keurslager in the Netherlands and KBank in Thailand, to new businesses that are still in their infancy like Air Bank in the Czech Republic and Spusu in Austria. These companies have understood that technology is only one part of the answer combining new technologies with a humanized experience. These companies start with the customer experience first and design backwards, working from the outside in. It is less about immediate margin improvements and more about customer lifetime value.
“Many of the leading organizations have already found practical use cases for AI in everyday applications. Critically, they have done this in a way that increases efficiency, but also preserves human value,” said Tim Knight, head of customer & operations, KPMG in the UK.