, one of the UK’s leading cigar retailers, has observed a significant shift in consumer preferences over the past three years, with an uptick in sales of ultra-luxury Cuban cigars and a decline in demand for mid-market products. This shift underscores a broader trend toward premium, handmade cigars, driven by evolving consumer tastes and the influence of media, including Netflix documentaries featuring stars like Michael Jordan in The Last Dance and Arnold Schwarzenegger in Arnold.
Over the last three years, has seen substantial changes in consumer habits. Middle-market products have declined, while sales of ultra-luxury handmade cigars, particularly from brands like Cohiba (up 327%) and Trinidad (up 347%), have surged. Budget-friendly Cuban cigars, such as Jose L Piedra and Rafael Gonzalez, have also grown by 100%, and sales of cigarillos (smaller, cheaper cigars) have increased by 300%. Meanwhile, more traditional brands like Montecristo and Romeo y Julieta have seen modest growth of around 10-20%.
“During the lockdown, more people were introduced to cigar smoking as they moved away from cigarettes. Many have embraced cigars as an occasional indulgence rather than smoking cigarettes daily,” said a spokesperson from “We saw strong growth during that period, and the trend continues as cigar smokers explore new blends and luxury options. Fast, reliable shipping and duty-free prices have also boosted sales, along with the influence of social media and celebrity cigar enthusiasts like Drake, Michael Jordan, and Arnold Schwarzenegger,” suggests Richard Seymour from the retailer.
Cigar industry overview and market hrowth
The global cigar industry is poised for continued growth, with projections indicating significant expansion through 2032. Key regions such as Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America are expected to experience robust gains, driven by increasing demand for premium products. Handmade cigars, in particular, have seen substantial international growth. The Scandinavian Tobacco Group reported double-digit declines in machine-made cigar sales, while handmade cigars performed strongly, accounting for 37% of their revenues.
Cuban cigar market expansion
Cuban cigars have also shown impressive growth. Habanos S.A. reported a 31% increase in turnover for 2023, reaching $721 million, largely fueled by rising demand in China, now the largest market by value. Europe continues to dominate regional sales, accounting for over half of all Cuban cigar exports.
Future outlook
These trends illustrate the resilience of the cigar industry, with the luxury and handmade segments leading the charge. Looking ahead, the sector is expected to benefit from ongoing innovations, strategic market expansions, and a growing consumer appetite for high-quality, premium products.