Driving home from the doctors after them telling you ‘your blood pressure is too high’ might come as a shuddering wake up call.
Confusion and frustration often ensue as you’re conscious about your health. You go to the gym, eat well and say no to that extra glass of wine. Your metrics are averaging better than the regular person in your age group. Nevertheless, the force of blood flowing against the walls of your arteries (blood pressure) is too high. So what can you do?
If you experience consistently high blood pressure your GP is likely to offer you medication to lower it, along with recommendations for lifestyle changes, such as increasing physical activity. But research is now investigating ways of lowering blood pressure naturally, with deep breathing exercises or IMST. IMST stands for Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training.
More and more people are looking for drug-free solutions to combat their high blood pressure. POWERbreathe IMST is just that...
“We found that doing 30 breaths per day for six weeks lowers systolic blood pressure by about 9 millimetres of mercury,” said Daniel Craighead, an integrative physiologist at the University of Colorado Boulder.
The hand-held device uses resistance training to make your inspiratory breathing muscles work harder. This improves your breathing strength, stamina and resistance to breathing fatigue. As a result, exercise will start to feel easier. And exercise – or any physical activity – can help you to manage your blood pressure.
“Daily ‘breath training’ can work as well as medicine to reduce high blood pressure,” says Allison Aubrey, correspondent for NPR News. Aubrey recently became the recipient of the James Beard broadcast award for her coverage of ‘Food As Medicine’.
30 breaths of POWERbreathe IMST (about five minutes) reduces blood pressure
Theresa D. Hernandez, 61, had blood pressure readings near the threshold at which doctors recommend medications.
“It was a surprise that something as simple as POWERbreathe K-Series could be so profound in terms of its impact. It took my blood pressure to under the threshold so that I would not need to take medication.” She says after doing her breath training exercises for five minutes every day.
Learn more about IMT
In addition to using POWERbreathe IMST to help lower blood pressure, the IMT training protocol of just 30 breaths twice a day is already scientifically proven to improve inspiratory muscle strength and stamina and reduce breathing fatigue. This is beneficial in sport and fitness, health and lifestyle, as well as for those in the performing arts.
There is a POWERbreathe IMT breathing trainer suitable for everyone. Find out how the POWERbreathe IMT device works or read more about the types of breathing trainers in What is Inspiratory Muscle Training.
EX1 EMT – coming soon!
These NEW POWERbreathe EX1 Expiratory Muscle Training (EMT) devices use a precisely calibrated spring-loaded ‘pressure threshold’ valve to create a resistance to your out-breath; your exhale. It is similar to weight-lifting and works in the same way that the POWERbreathe Plus IMT devices work to strengthen the muscles you use to breathe in.
As you breathe out through the POWERbreathe EX1 Expiratory Muscle Training device, the resistance created by the adjustable training load that you set, exercises your expiratory muscles, improving strength, function and endurance.
Web: https://www.powerbreathe.com/